Thursday, 30 April 2015

The First Teaser Trailer For Tom Hardy Kray Twins Film Legend

Source Empire Online

OK so we have the first teaser trailer for the Krays, and if I'm been completely honest, I can not wait. This film could be rubbish and I would not care because it has the main man Tom Hardy, yes I admit it I  have a soft spot for Tom Hardy (don't tell the wife), I just think he is amazing, and not only do we have one Hardy we have double the Hardy what more can a fan ask for? Anyway I think that is enough of my man crush on Tom Hardy back to the actual story.

The movie Legend has been adapted by LA Confidential's Brian Helgeland. He will be adapting John Pearson's book The Progression Of Violence. The movie dips into the dark underbelly world of swinging 60's London when gangsters warred for turf and control.

Watch the teaser trailer after the jump

Which iconic superhero has DC killed today?


Ok so here you have it Batman is presumed dead, along with the Joker, so now I am just wondering how long they both will hide in the shadow's before they return unharmed. 
After an underground chamber collapsed on them during a battle in this weeks Batman #40. This comic marks the end of Scot Snyder and Greg Capullo's 'Endgame' storyline. 
Endgame saw the return of the Joker, and the Joker Used his Toxin to turn Bruce Wayne's allies against him. 

Wayne will be replaced in June by a new Batman, that even has a new suit that is robotic Armour, leaked pages have already revealed who will don on the new bat-suit, and you can find out who here

SUICIDE SQUAD: First Look At Will Smith As 'Deadshot'


Filming as started on David Ayer's Suicide Squad in Toronto, and actor Will Smith is the first to have been spotted on set, in his deadshot outfit. The look maybe was not what you was expecting. 

The costume that Mr Smith is wearing above has already created quite a stir on Social Media. It is worth noting though that in the image we can see that Deadshot has both eyes, so we could take that this is a Flashback to aa time before he was a killer, maybe a kind of origins story.

New Look At BATMAN v SUPERMAN's Dark Knight In UHQ Textless IMAX Poster


We still have over 10 months till the actual release of Superman Vs Batman Dawn Of Justice, but that still gives us enough time to get excited with hopefully more footage and images teased along the way. Is Zack Snyder going to tweet out photo's of Cyborg or the flash, who knows. 

One character that we are getting quite familiar with is Ben Affleck's Batman, and now we have a textless version of the IMAX Poster.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits on March 25th, 2016.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Justin Bieber Joins 'Zoolander 2


Justin Bieber has announced on Twitter that he will be staring in the Zoolander sequel Zoolander 2. More than likely it will be some kind of small cameo, where he is pointing fun at himself, or some kind of parody of all the trouble and mischief that he has been getting himself into.

Anyway they you have it Justin Bieber fans, he will be appearing in some form or another in the Zoolander Sequel.  

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

RUMOR: X-MEN APOCALYPSE & WOLVERINE 3 To End Bryan Singer's X-Men Universe


According to Umberto Gonzalez Singer's x-men universe may be coming to an end. X-men Apocalypse and James Mangolds Wolverine 3 may cap off the current x-men series. This seems more fact then fiction as Hugh Jackman has confirmed that the current untitled Wolverine solo film would be the last outing for him as the character. The third Wolverine outing is rumored to adapt Mark Millar's Old Man Logan Story arc.

Gonzalez hasn't elaborated much more on what Fox's plans are for the franchise further down the road, but could they be plans for Disney to make a deal with Marvel thus bringing the X-Men into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

But what do you guys think? Comment below and let us know.

Brian Singer's X-MEN: APOCALYPSE hits theaters on May 27. 2016.

Does The New ‘Spiderman’ Have Its Next Peter Parker?!

Source bloodydisgusting

Latino Review has the scoop, they believe that Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios have picked a front runner for the next Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man.

According to the site Asa Butterfield (Ender's Game, Hugo) is the front runner to play the lovable webslinger, and he as always been at the top of the list.    
The site received a “no comment” but have always been one of the forefront of major Marvel scoops. We believe in them implicitly.
The new Spider-Man will first appear in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War, which will hit theaters May 6, 2016.

Kevin Smith Directs Stan Lee Directing Kevin Smith in ‘Cameo School’

If somebody asked you who was the king of Cameo's, you would have to say the man himself Mr Stan Lee. Stan the man Lee has appeared in everything from Mallrats, X-Men, Spider-Man, Big Hero 6 and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, also Smith has been known to make a few cameo's himself both as an actor and director. 
So what better than having The man Stan and Smith doing a quick short called Cameo School. Check it out below.

Source /Film

Shredder To Return In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 = Wait A Minute I Thought He Was Dead?


If you thought that you had seen the last of Shredder on the big screen then think again. Now I'm a little confused because if I remember correctly didn't Shredder Die in the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. Variety are reporting that Brian Tee (Jurassic World) has been cast as the Villain Shredder in the upcoming movie, well what do you think of that?  

More X-Men: Apocalypse Set Pics Provide Better Looks At 'Jubilee' & 'Jean Grey'


Over the past couple of days we have had a glimpse of the new younger x-men, but Lana Condor (Jubilee) was slightly hidden by a railing, but now several new set images have now arrived online, and give us a much better look of the actress in the recognizable classic yellow jacket and pink shades.  

Below is another image of Sophie Turner as Jean Grey. 

Monday, 27 April 2015

'You're Next' And 'The Guest' Director to Helm Death Note

Source bloodydisgusting

This I am quite interested in, Death Note was one of them movies that I stumbled upon by mistake and loved. I must be honest I never read any of the comics or watched any of the anime, but I wished I did. Anyway The Hollywood Reporter  has informed us that they have learned that the director of Your Next and The Guest ( both great films, and highly recommend by Gee Vision) Adam Wingard has signed on to direct, so this makes me believe this film will be awesome and is in good hands (we hope).  
The site describes the story:
The story centers on a student who discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing the victim’s name, who then decides to cleanse the world of whom he deems evil. As the student is tracked by a reclusive police officer, a cat-and-mouse game ensues.

So far there have been no announcement in terms of cast or release date, but we will keep you informed. 

First Official Look At Kodi Smit-McPhee As 'Nightcrawler' In X-MEN: APOCALYPSE


We have seen the concept art, but now director Bryan Singer has provided us with the first ever official glimpse of Kodi Smit-Mcphee as the younger version of the mutant teleporter NightCrawler.

We would like to know your thoughts.

Rumour: Possible Title Of The Spider-Man Movie?

Source /film 

OK so we have a new rumor from Latino Review scooper El Mayimbe says Sony and Marvel are currently toying with the title Spider-man: The New Avenger for the title of the new spider-man film slated for July 28th 2017, and likely to be directed by Drew Goddard.

What are your thoughts on the new spider-man title?

Daniel Bruhl Confirmed as Baron Zemo in 'Captain America: Civil War'

We all know that Captain America: Civil War will see Captain America and Iron man coming to blows, but they still will be a villain thrown into the mix. Not it comes as no surprise that Daniel Bruhl will be playing the villain as we have known this for quite some time, but the question was who would e be playing? Well the wait is over we have confirmation from the actor himself that he will be playing the villain Baron Helmut Zemo.  

If you are not familiar with the character Baron Helmut Zemo is the son of a Hydra scientist who fought Captain America during World War 2 and formed the master of evil.

We also know that Helmut Zemo will not be the only villain that causes trouble for cap in civil war, as we already have Frank Grillo confirmed to comeback as Crossbones 

Sunday, 26 April 2015



When Tony Stark Tries to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program, things go awry and it is up to the Avengers to stop the villainous Ultron from enacting his terrible plans.

OK, so I have just walked in after seeing the Avengers Age Of Ultron, and I am lost for words. I did enjoy the movie a lot, but was it perfect NO, but  it was what you was expecting. The film opened with an incredible piece of action film-making and all the action was staged in a single shot. What you saw in the first 10 minutes of the movie was what you sat through the first 1hr 40 minutes of the Avengers to see. So from that moment I was thinking my god Joss Weadon as done it, if this is what he has thrown us in the first 10 minutes then we are in for a right treat. The down fall of this is that Weadon set himself a bar and I'm sorry to say the film never crossed that bar, well maybe the Hulk Buster Vs The Hulk almost did.

 I also felt the story was a little jolted, and at times chunks of information was taken away from the film, and rushed along for action sequences. In parts of the movie I felt that a lot of the strengths from the first movie, such as the one liners and the chemistry between some of the characters fell a little flat mostly on the joke side. On saying that we did get to see more between Hulk and the BlackWidow which was great, and a hell of a lot more development on the HawkEye character which I liked, but again some of his Jokes and scenes fell a little flat.

For me Mark Ruffalo steels the show  as Bruce Banner/Hulk

I could go on but wouldn't want to give too much away.

But I will leave you with this I felt that they was one thing at the end of the movie, that they could have changed. Not a big change, but I feel that the small change could have opened up the opportunity for another movie, that I think would be incredible (Hint) but on saying that I think the people over Marvel have it all planned out, so I hope they fit in what I'm thinking?

Saturday, 25 April 2015

SPOILERS: This Iconic DC Comics Superhero Will Have His Secret Identity Revealed To The World

This June They will be major changes taken place in the DC Universe. Not only do we have a new batman that we discussed a little in a previous story geevision, and the beginning of ''The Darkseid War''. But after the jump you can find out which major A-List iconic super hero is going to have their secret identity revealed to the world by one of their closet allies....


That's right, Lois Lane will reveal Superman's secret identity to the world. I mean  we would of thought that every one in metropolis, would have known by now, I have never understood that nobody has gone ''hey wait a minute that's Clark Kent without glasses''. 

The above panel has come from scan leaked images of the DC comics free comic book day issue. And in this comic will also be the reveal that commissioner Gordon takes over as an armored Batman 

The Identity Of DC Comics' Post-Convergence Batman Revealed!


We have known for a while the current Endgame arc in DC's Batman comics would end with a new, heavily armoured Batman, but now we may actually know who will be the man in the suit. 

Spoiler Ahead keep scrawling if you would like to know more  


Yes it is no other then Jim Gordon. Allegedly, one of the stories features a clean shaven Gordon accepting the Gotham City PD'S offer to don the new heavily armored Batsuit and become a police sanctioned Batman. 
But if the police have sanctioned a new batman, what does this mean is in store for our cape crusader, well there isn't long to find out as we will find out on free comic day in a couple of weeks.

First Official Image Of Jared Leto's Joker Revealed

Source empireonline

Yesterday we give you that awful image of a picture within a picture, but now we have an official image of Jared Leto as the Joker, and I must say I am getting a little bit more excited.

After teasing photos, of Leto cutting his hair, dyeing is hair David Ayer has now revealed his Joker in full for the upcoming movie Suicide Squad.

As we can see the first look is just a promo shot and not an actual still from the film which as just started to film in Toronto, but still over at Gee Vision this as got us very excited and talking about this.

As we can see this Joker has plenty tattoo's and looks a little bit punk and mid 90's rock. Leto's Joker does have that deranged visual aspect of the character, but how will this transfer on screen, Leto has a lot to live up to for this role, and they will be high expectation's after two great performances by Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger, but then again everybody was saying the same about Heath Ledger, and his portrayal of the Joker was outstanding.      

Friday, 24 April 2015

SPOILER ALERT Jared Leto In Full Joker Get Up


Ok the following photo hit the web 4 days ago, but today is the first of us over at Gee Vision seeing the image of Jared Leto in full Joker makeup and costume. I think that we are seeing it for the first time because on a lot of sites and blogs the photo has been removed, but we have it.



The image you are about to see is actually a picture within a picture. The image provided has someone on the set been shown an image from the set on a camera, and within that image we can see a very low resolution shot of Leto in full Joker makeup and costume.


OK as it is the weekend and hopefully we will all be going to see the new Avengers Age Of Ultron movie, lets have a Avengers themed competition for one lucky person we have a Marvel Hero Super Hero Squirter to give away.

Good Look and have a marvelous weekend

Bruce Campbell Says ‘Ash vs Evil Dead’ Won’t Be “A Watered-Down Version of Evil Dead”

source /film

It has begun ''GROOVEY'' the Ash Vs Evil Dead TV series has begun production, and now we have a handful of facts about the show, straight from Sam Rami, Robert Tapert and Bruce Campbell's mouth. 
Here is a statement that was issued by Bruce Campbell 
'' This is not going to be a watered down version of Evil Dead,... The fans are wanting the hardcore stuff, and they're going to get it''.
and this is was Rami had to say about the project 
'' It doesn't really exist in the exact same universe as the movies. It's a slightly altered universe. It kind of takes place somewhere in an alternate universe after Evil Dead 2''. 
The show is set 30 years after we last so our ''Groovy'' hero Ash, and the deadites have been fairly dormant over the last 20-30 years, and our hero has been leaving a low life, hiding out, but our story really begins when the deadites come back and someone is needed to stand up against the Evil. 

Universal Pushes ‘Warcraft’ and ‘Pacific Rim 2′ Back Into Summer Season

Source /film
Ok so it seems that Universal Studio's are having a little shift around to there release dates.

two of these been Duncan Jones Warcraft and Pacific Rim 2, directed by Guillermo Del Toro. Warcraft which as been pushed back from March 11th 2006 to June 10th 2016, and Pacific Rim 2 from April 7 2017 to August 4 2017.

The biggest news here is that of Warcraft, Warcraft has been in the can now for almost a year, and was set to hit the screens December 2015, but the release of Star Wars Force Awakens forced it to be delayed until March.

What are your thought's on the date change Of Duncan Jones Warcraft? let us know. 

Marvel Partner With Telltale Games


Telltale Games the creator of games such as ''The Walking Dead'' ''Game Of Thrones'' continue to hooover up every major entertainment license. The studio have now announced a partnership with Marvel Entertainment. The news was announced at and event taken place today in San Francisco, but very little was revealed of the project. 

But we have to wait till 2017, to see what is in store for us, but I must admit I am already excited.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Spider-man to get an animated movie

We have heard in the news now that Spider-man is going back to it's graphic roots, and we are getting an animated version of the web crusader by Lego movie directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller. On Thursday Sony announced the animated feature, and that it would swing into theaters July 20th 2018.
Lord and Miller are the fantastic filmaking duo behind the movies 'Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs' and ''22 Jump Street'' to name a few. Both will write the treatment and produce the spider-man movie.  
Spidey will make his next appearance in Marvel’s “Captain America: Civil War''.

Denzel Washington & 'The Equalizer' Are Confirmed for a Sequel


Well we over at Gee Vision loved The Equalizer movie, so we are very excited to hear that a sequel is on the way. In 2014 when the Equalizer had hit theatres, Sony Pictures was said to already be working on a sequel. At cinemacon last night, the studio confirmed that the follow-up will indeed be movieng forward with the script, still coming from the first films writer, Richard Wenk. Denzel will be back in the lead role.

To get us back in the mood here is the trailer to the first Equalizer enjoy


Here Are The Actors Who Could Play ‘Spider-Man’

source /film
A rumor started this week that Sony And Marvel have started to narrow down their choices on who will be playing spider-man in the new Spider-man movie, and now thanks to The Wrap we know know who those actors are. The actors that have been named are Nat Wolff, Asa Butterfield, Timothee Chalamet, Liam James and Tom Holland. 

Even though The Wrap broke the news of the shortlist, Sony would neither confirm none of these actors. So are these actors lets take a look 

Liam James 


we may remember Liam from the television show the killing, he has also appeared on Psych, and first appeared on the radar as the star of the way, way back.


We all may remember Nat - Wolff from the movie Fault In Our Stars (the friend who liked to smash things) He is also set to become a bigger star when Paper Town hits the theaters this summer. 

Asa - Butterfield

Asa Butterfield as been in quite a few big name movies now, but it was Martin Scorsese movie Hugo where Butterfield played the lead that he truly became a star.  

Tom Holland

Holland played one of the kids in the Impossible, and he is soon to star in Ron Howards 'In The Heart Of The Sea'.

Timothee Chalamet

Chalamet has been acting for quite some time, he had a run on Homeland, but most of us would recognise him as the young Casey Affleck in Interstellar. He also appeared in Men, Women and Children. 

I must admit that out of these five actors, my top three for the part of Spider-man would be Tom Holland, Liam James and Natt Wolff. 

What are your thoughts? Who would you have play spider-man. 

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Bebop & Rocksteady Confirmed For Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2


Bebop and Rocksteady, the two favorite henchmen that first appeared in the 1990 ''Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'' animated series, will be gracing our screens once again, and definitely returning in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, which is planned to be hitting the big screen on 3rd June 2016.
Paramount have allegedly shown renderings of the mutant henchmen, with early concept art leaked back in October. 

They are also rumors that Krang will also be making an appearance on the big screen, well come to think of it he was the creator of this duo 
Anyway, here is a short clip of our duo in action 


Margot Robbie Named Frontrunner for Barbie Role

It is reported through emails from the Sony leaked e-mail scandal that Margot Robbie could play the real-life version of Barbie in a film based around the Mattel toy.

Wikileaks have now published over 170,000 emails that where lifted from Sony's computer servers, and some of those e-mails had information that Robbie is the main front runner to play the blonde toy with Sandra Bullock, Amy Schumer and Amy Adams among suggested Actresses to be Barbie's potential sidekick.

According to the guardian, the live action take on Barbie originally scripted by Rio's 2 and Sex And The City Jenny Bicks has been given a re-write by Diablo Cody. As we all know Cody first broke out with her Oscar winning script for Juno.

‘Daredevil’ Renewed for Season 2

source /film

It wouldn't be long till we heard the news that Netflix would be making a second season to Marvels Daredevil. Daredevil has now been streaming on Netflix for just over two weeks now, and all ready the show is in high standing with it's audience and the director James Gunn. Netflix has now given the greenlight on season 2, with plans to air in 2016, but there will be a big shake up. Steven Deknight is out as showrunner and Doug Petrie and Marco Ramirez will take on the showrunner role.

let's check out the trailer from the first season 


Scarlett Johansson's GHOST IN THE SHELL Begins Filming


So Scarlett Johannsson has been busy on her promotional tour for Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron, and the Black Widow actress has lightly touched on the status of her next big movie, the live action Ghost In The Shell.

''It's happening. It will be shooting the beginning of next year, so I think we start production January or February and it's me and Rupert (Sanders) and that's all I know''

Bill Wheeler penned the script.  Avi Arad, Steven Spielberg 
The film is currently slated for release on April 14, 2017.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Galaxy Quest TV Show In The Works

    Source /film
You may not remember the 1999 film Galaxy Quest, but we over at Gee Vision do, and I must sa I found the movie funny and enjoyable, so when I heard about this I did get a little excited.
For those of you that do not remember the film, it starred Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Tony Shalhoub, Daryl Mitchell and Sam Rockwell, as former stars of a once popular Sc-Fi show called Galaxy Quest. After a race of aliens mistake episodes of the show for historical documents they recruit the actors to help save their kind. 
The news is Paramount Television is making plans for the TV Show, and several key figures from the original are in negotiations to return.
When we know more so will you. 

Directors of 'John Wick' To Make 'Bloodshot'

    Source /film

Valiant have announced that they have a five-picture deal with Sony Pictures, and one of these will be bloodshot. Director Eric Heisserer (Story Of Your Life, The Thing) is working on the script for the bloodshot movie, and will be directed by Chad Stahelski and David Leitch that hemmed the movie John Wick, which I thought was a great film, so they should do BloodShot justice. 
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the story of Bloodshot, the following is a small synopsis 
Bloodshot is a former soldier with powers of regeneration and meta-morphing made possible through nanites injected into his blood. After having his memory wiped numerous times, Bloodshot is out to discover who he really is and get vengeance on those who did this to him.[4] Bloodshot's bloodstream contains a billion nanocomputers, enabling him to heal from injuries quickly, interface with technology, and shape shift his mass. However, his oxygen-starved brain has lost its memories.                                                                        source Wikipedia


It is the lead story on The Advocate, it is also the lead on New Now Next. Brian Bendis is finishing his run on the All-New X-men tomorrow with issue 40, but as he finishes his run he plans to leave us with a rather intriguing gift.

In a shocking development Brian Bendis will reveal a member of the x-men to be gay. Is it Beast?Angel? Cyclops? Iceman? Gean Gray.

Well you can find out right here, potentially MAJOR MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD.............

Well this is a very unexpected development, despite the fact that the present day counterpart is not gay, but the younger Bobby Drake AKA Iceman according to the scanned images leaked online in tomorrows issue of All-New X-Men is gay.

What are your thoughts on this, I'm quite happy that there is an homosexual superhero out there, maybe next we will get a super hero that is fat or as a proper beard, with the destruction of the Marvel Universe shortly this maybe on the cards.

Anyway below you will find the scanned images of tomorrow's X-men #40 where Iceman is outed by Jean Gray hhhhmmmmm interesting.

Dominic Cooper Cast As Jesse Custer In Preacher

It looks like MCU'S Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) will be playing Jesse Custer in AMC's adaption of the graphic novel Preacher.

Seth Rogen announced the news on Friday via Twitter saying ''We have Jesse Custer @dominiccoop is gonna save our souls''.

Rogen with partner Evan Goldberg and Sam Catlin are the creative force behind the production, that adapts Garth Ennis and Steve Dillion's Vertigo graphic novel Preacher.

Preacher tells the story of Jesse Custer, a preacher from a small Texas town of Annville. Custer was accidentally possessed by the supernatural creature named Genesis in an accident which killed his entire congregation and flattened his church.