Friday, 26 June 2015

Jon Bernthal Says He's Going To Give It His All When Playing The Punisher

I still do not know what to think about this one. I am a huge Punisher fan, and when the news broke that Jon Bernthal would be taking on the role of the Punisher, I did not see it, but as time passes and I have more time to digest this information and think about I am starting to get more excited about it.

Jon Bernthal will playing Frank Castle/The Punisher when Daredevil returns to Netflix for season 2 In 2016.

Frank Castle AKA The Punisher is a violent vigilante, after the death of his wife and son, who see's the world as plain black and white. We are sure the violence and the darkness of the Punisher will fit very nicely in the world of the Daredevil Show,

Here is what Bernthal had to say

'' I'm extremely honored and grateful, and I know the character has a ton of fans out there''

What do you think, and what are your thoughts on Jon Bernthal playing The Punisher?

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