Monday, 7 September 2015

‘Captain America: Civil War’ Is Not About Superhero Registration


I woke this morning in a bit of a daze, as I had to get up a 

little earlier than usual to do these articles, as the kids are 

back at school. 

Anyway the first thing I see whilst scanning through the 

movie news, and seeing what I had the pleasure to read and 

write about was that Captain America: Civil War would not 

be about Superhero Registration. I was like ''What the F&$%''

If none of you have read the secret, war, then you should 

not even be reading this article, or even calling yourself a 

comic fan, as it is brilliant. I never realy got into comics until 

my early twenties, so about 8 years ago, and Civil war was 

one of the first comics I was introduced to and I loved it. 

But the main story arc is about Super Hero's been 

unmasked, so obviousley you would be like ''What the f&*$'',

On saying that after reading the article by our friends over 

at /film, there do make a good arguement, why this would be 

pointless in the MCU universe, wait for ii, so simple in the 

movies, everyone knows who Iron Man, Captain America ect

are, we have not been introduced to any charactors in those 

movies yet that have kept there secret identity quiet. So why 

the f&*% would Captain America and Iron man go all out war 

over say Spiderman. 

What are your thoughts on no SuperHero Registration?

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