Thursday, 10 December 2015

Norman Reedus Confirms Boondock Saints 3

For me Boondock Saint's is a classic movie. It was one of 

those little gem of a movies that you come across and no 

nothing about. The first Boondock saints didn't have much 

marketing and was not well known, but become a hit classic, 

shame that I can not say the same for the sequel.

During his first Reddit AMA Norman Reedus was asked if 

Boondock saints 3 was happening, and he did confirm that 

a third instalment of Boondock Saints is in the works and 

that he would be returning to play Murphy Mcmanus. 

This was his reply 

“Hey good morning. Yeah it's on. In the works, happening."

We learnt back in August that Boondock Saints 3 would be 

titled ''Boondock Saints 3: Legion'' and the plot would revolve

around the legions of followers who have copied the lead 


The film is also supposed to pick up with the boys behind bars 

just like they were when the second film ended, and it will also 

look into their past, going all the way back to the first crime 

that they committed. 

I must admit I'm looking forward to this one, even if the second 

one did suck a little. 

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