Tuesday, 6 October 2015

George Miller Says MAD MAX: FURY ROAD Is Getting Two Sequels


So the news that Miller has said himself that we are going 

to get two sequels to the Mad Max franchise, has made me 

very happy, I am a Mad Max fan, apart from maybe the first 

Mad Max, seriousley those who think overwise go back and 

watch the original Mad Max, what a load of S*$%. Not only 

that but also more of, who I believe is one of the greatest 

actors todate Tom Hardy.

When Mad Max:Fury Road exploded onto our screens, we 

found out not long after that a sequel was planned, and it 

was rumored to be calle Mad Max:Wasteland. Ever since it

as all gone quiet on the sequel, until lastweekend. 

TopGear asked Miller for an update on the Mad Max sequel. 

It turns out because of the long delays to Fury Road, Miller 

and company had a lot of free time on there hands, which 

they used to flesh out the Mad Max Universe.  

"[Fury Road] was green lit three times and fell over three times over a decade. We went to shoot with Mel Gibson back in 2001, but then 9/11 happened, and the American dollar collapsed against the Australian dollar close to 30 per cent, so we lost that amount of budget overnight. We were then rained out of Australia. The desert rained for the first time in 15 years, and we ended up in South West Africa, Namibia.
But in this process, we had dug down deep into the backstory, not only of the characters, but of every vehicle. How the steering wheels became religious artefacts and things like that. So we ended up with two scripts, without really trying. We’re talking to the studio [Warner Bros] about it as we speak, but which one of the two stories will happen next, I’m not so sure.”

Miller has already talked about doing a small project, before 

returning to the maxiverse, so we might be waiting a while. 

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